Borough Ordinances

2022 ACT 44
Disclosure form for entities providing professional services to the St. Clair Borough's Pension System.

Animals (#362)
An ordinance regulating the keeping of animals within the borough of St. Clair.

Amendment to Land Subdivision Ordinance (#361A)
Ordinance No. 361a – Amendment to Land Subdivision Ordinance.

Bank Note Ordinance (#424)
An ordinance setting forth its intent to issue its general obligation note.

Building Permits (#361)
An ordinance requiring all persons, businesses and corporations to obtain a building permit for any construction or development; providing for the issuance of such building permits; and establishing penalties for any persons who fail, or refuse to comply with, the requirements or provisions of this ordinance.

Burning (#365)
St. Clair Borough Burning Ordinance.

Cable Franchise Agreement (#442)
Ordinance #442 authorizes execution of a Cable Franchise Agreement between the Borough and Service Electric Cablevision, Inc.

Cable Franchise Agreement (#443)
Ordinance #443 authorizes execution of a Cable Franchise Agreement between the Borough and Comcast of Pennsylvania, LLC.

Dumpster Ordinance (updated) (#447)
An ordinance requiring the permitting of any dumpster placed within the Borough of St. Clair.

Earned Income and Net Profits Tax (#411)
An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 407, known as the Earned Income and Net Profits Tax Ordinance, eliminating the exemption under section 105.2.

Electric Light Rates (#450)
An ordinance setting the electric light rate for the Borough of St. Clair. And attach the attached file to that line.

Exotic Animals (#344)
An ordinance imposing restrictions on the harboring of wild or exotic animals within the Borough of St. Clair.

Fire Department Ordinance (#428)
An ordinance amending an existing fire department ordinance to further define the eligibility for election of persons for the office of fire chief or assistant fire chief.

Fire Escrow (#416)
An ordinance to establish a fire insurance escrow for removal, repair or securing of damaged buildings and payment of delinquent taxes and other municipal claims.

Flood Plain (#434)
An ordinance of the Borough of St. Clair, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania; amending the existing flood plain ordinance No. 434.

Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse (according to the St. Clair Code)
Ordinances adopted by the Borough pertaining to garbage, rubbish and refuse according to the Borough Code.

Intermunicipal Cooperation with East Norwegian Township for Police Protection (#418)
An ordinance to establish Intermunicipal Cooperation with East Norwegian Township for Police Protection.

Junk Car Ordinance (#353)
An ordinance prohibiting the parking or storage of unlicensed and/or unregistered motor vehicles on public streets, or on private property which can be readily observed from a public street or adjacent properties, and prohibiting the storage or accumulation on private property of vehicles or machinery parts, scrap, salvage, building materials not in current use, partially dismantled trailers or mobile homes in dilapidated or damaged condition, or other materials or items detrimental to the general public welfare, when such storage is not conducted as an integral part of a business being legally operated on the premises in question; providing for notice to violators and fines for continued violations and abatement remedies by the borough.

Local Economic Revitalization Tax Assistance (#426)
An ordinance for the exemption of deteriorated areas under the Local Economic Revitalization Tax Assistance Act.

Loitering (#368)
An ordinance prohibiting loitering on business property and in public places.

No Parking along Wade Road Ordinance (#433)
An Ordinance of the borough of St. Clair, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, prohibiting parking along the sourthern shoulder of Wade Road (S.R. 1006) from the opporsite side of the intersection of Memorial Avenue and Wade Road (S.R. 1006) to the intersection of Wade Road (S.R. 1006) and Joseph Long Boulevard (S. R. 0061).

No Parking Ordinance (#436)
An ordinance of the Borough of St. Clair, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, regulating parking on Second Street, Third Street, and an unnamed alley between Railroad Street and Patterson Street.

Noise (#389)
An ordinance defining and regulating noise and prohibiting unnecessary noise or other sounds tending to disturb the peace and quiet of the community and the carrying on of any business, trade, transportation, recreation or amusement at certain times which causes unnecessary noise or disturbance.

Nuisance Property (#393)
An ordinance prohibiting properties designated as a nuisance due to multiple criminal violations, violations of the building code or property maintenance code, violations of the zoning ordinances or any combination thereof.

Pawnbrokers (#380)
An ordinance amending the code of the Borough of St. Clair to include chapter 120, pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers, and requiring the recording of all property bought or sold at said business establishments.

Police Pension Plan (#444)
An ordinance amending the St. Clair Borough Pension Plan to allow for the purchase of credit for military service.

Posting of Notices on Poles (#347)
An ordinance amending St. Clair ordinance No. 1996, otherwise known as an ordinance prohibiting the tacking, nailing or posting in any manner whatsoever of any bill or notices of any kind on poles in the borough of St. Clair.

Property Maintenance Code (#388)
An ordinance adopting the 2006 edition of the international property maintenance code regulating and governing the conditions and maintenance of all property, buildings and structures by providing the standards for supplied utilities and facilities and other physical things and conditions essential to ensure that structures are safe, sanitary and fit for occupation and use; the condemnation of buildings and structures unfit for human occupancy and use; and the demolition of such existing structures in the Borough of St. Clair. Providing for the issuance of permits and collection of fees, therefore repealing all other ordinances and parts of the ordinances in conflict therewith.

Public Indecency (#332)
An ordinance defining public indecency and providing penalties for the violation of the same.

Recycling Ordinance (#420)
Borough of St. Clair Borough Recycling Ordinance.

Rental Ordinance (#398)
An ordinance concerning registration of rental properties.

Road Openings Ordinance (#375)
An ordinance regulating street openings and excavations by any person, firm or corporation doing work in or under any street, alley or thoroughfare within the limits of the borough, requiring a permit and fee for same.

Small Wireless Facilities (#439)
An ordinance establishing procedures and requirements pertaining to the implementation of ACT 50 of 2021 and regulating small wireless facilities to be placed within the public right-of-way.

Sewage Holding Tank Ordinance (#431)
Sewage Holding Tank Ordinance #431.

Solar Energy Systems within the Borough (#446)
An ordinance regulating solar energy systems within the Borough.

Sub-Division and Land Development Ordinance (SC-SALDO.Apr2003) (#374)
Sub-Division and Land Development Ordinance.

Tax Ordinance (#448)
An ordinance adopting the tax rate for 2024 for the Borough of St. Clair.

Taxpayers Bill of Rights (#410)
An ordinance adopting a local Taxpayers Bill of Rights.

Uniform Construction Code (#378)
An ordinance electing to administer and enforce the uniform construction code pursuant to the Pennsylvania construction code act. Providing that the uniform construction code contained in 34 pa. Code chapters 401-405, as amended from time to time, shall be the municipal building code of the borough of St. Clair. Providing for the administration and enforcement of said code within the borough of St. Clair including, but not limited to, the designation of a municipal code official to act on behalf of the borough of St. Clair, the retention of one or more construction code officials or third party agencies to act on behalf of the borough of St. Clair, agreeing with one or more other municipalities for the joint administration and enforcement of the said act through an inter-municipal agreement, or agreeing to a contract with another municipality for the administration and enforcement of this act on behalf of the borough of St. Clair, or by agreeing with the Pennsylvania department of labor and industry for plan review, inspections and enforcement of structures other than one family or two-family dwelling units and utility and miscellaneous use structures. Providing for appeals and resolutions in conformity with the requirements of the relevant provisions of the code and providing for fees assessable by the borough of St. Clair for the administration and enforcement of same.

Vacating a portion of Walnut Street (#445)
An ordinance vacating a portion of Walnut Street.

Zoning Map

Zoning Ordinance